PNPYO Slams Holness Administration for Hypocrisy In Dual Citizen Controversy

PNPYO Slams Holness Administration for Hypocrisy In Dual Citizen Controversy

Kingston, Jamaica. May 22, 2024: The People’s National Party Youth Organization (PNPYO) is calling shame on the Andrew Holness-led administration for its flagrant politicisation of the constitutional reform process. By selectively targeting Opposition Leader Mark Golding’s British citizenship, the Prime Minister has not only deflected from major constitutional issues but has also made a mockery of the very reforms he claims to champion.

President of the PNPYO, Senator Gabriela Morris, asserts, “The Prime Minister and his surrogates’ attempt to manufacture controversy around Mark Golding’s citizenship is a reprehensible and desperate ploy to divert attention from the failures of the Holness Administration.PM Holness’ stance is opportunistic and disingenuous, particularly given his prior support for dual citizens serving in Parliament.”

The PNPYO affirms that Mr. Golding’s citizenship is well within the bounds of our current Constitution, which permits Commonwealth citizens to serve in Parliament. This sudden fixation on Mr. Golding’s citizenship is a transparent attempt to divert scrutiny from the Prime Minister’s own questionable actions, including his voluntary allegiance to the British monarchy, evidenced by his position on the Privy Council, and the unresolved issues surrounding his statutory declarations.The reports of members of his own Cabinet being dual citizens, further highlights the hypocrisy of his stance. It is ironic for the Prime Minister to cast stones at a concrete structure while residing in a glass house.

We also denounce Min. Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn for her persistent discriminatory and xenophobic remarks towards Mr. Golding, attempting to undermine his Jamaican identity due to his British citizenship and skin colour. Min. Cuthbert-Flynn’s energy would be better spent addressing the critical issues within her ministry, particularly the escalating violence in our schools.

Furthermore we rebuke Minister Vaz’s procurement and dissemination of  Mr. Golding’s private information. It is inconceivable that a Minister, previously responsible for the Data Protection Act would engage in such reckless behaviour. This is also not the Minister’s first transgression of this nature; in 2017, during the South East St. Mary by-election, he disclosed personal citizenship data of Dr. Shane Alexis on a political stage. The PNPYO believes that Minister Vaz’s conduct indicates his incapacity and unsuitability to handle sensitive information. His actions bring the government into disrepute, and he must resign from his position.”

  The PNPYO calls for an elevation in our political discourse for the sake of our youth. It is imperative that we do better by our young people, who deserve a political environment free from hypocrisy and focused on genuine reform. We urge the Prime Minister and his affiliates to prioritise the substantial issues at hand and cease their politically motivated attacks.

Our politics should be a beacon of integrity and progress, setting a standard for the next generation. Let us work together to build a better Jamaica, one that our youth can look up to with pride and hope.

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