People’s National Party Youth Organization Demands Urgent Inclusion of Impeachment Provisions

People’s National Party Youth Organization Demands Urgent Inclusion of Impeachment Provisions

Kingston, Jamaica. June 12, 2024: The People’s National Party Youth Organisation (PNPYO) calls on the Constitutional Reform Committee (CRC) and the Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs to urgently reconsider the exclusion of impeachment provisions in the proposed constitutional reform. This pressing issue, highlighted by recent debates and public sentiments, demands immediate attention and action to ensure greater accountability and integrity in our political system.

Recent polls indicate that 91.5% of Jamaicans support impeachment legislation for elected officials found guilty of unlawful activities. This overwhelming public demand underscores the urgent need for a formal mechanism to hold our leaders accountable. The PNPYO condemns this blatant disregard and rejection of the concerns and voices of the Jamaican people, to whom the constitution rightfully belongs.

Impeachment should not be limited to criminal offences alone. It must address issues of morality, public interest, and ethical behaviour. Elected officials who compromise the integrity of our Parliament and bring disrepute to our nation must face consequences that go beyond the judicial system. Including impeachment provisions will ensure that our leaders adhere to the highest standards of conduct and serve with unquestionable integrity.

President of the PNPYO, Senator Gabriela Morris, noted, “Prime Minister Andrew Holness has failed to fulfil a key election promise to introduce impeachment legislation, despite being in office for over 3,000 days. During his 2016 election campaign, Holness committed to implementing this legislation within his first 100 days in office. Yet, Jamaicans are still waiting for this promise to be fulfilled. This broken promise highlights the Prime Minister’s lack of commitment to good governance and accountability. His administration’s refusal to implement impeachment legislation demonstrates a disregard for transparency and the rule of law. We urge the Prime Minister to finally honour his election promise and introduce impeachment legislation to hold elected officials accountable for their actions. Anything less would be a betrayal of the trust placed in him by the Jamaican people.”

The Local Government Act 2016, which allows for the impeachment of mayors for gross misconduct or dereliction of duty, sets a precedent for similar measures at the national level. This provision has functioned without notable political manipulation, indicating that a well-structured impeachment process for parliamentarians is both feasible and necessary.

The PNPYO urges the Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Mrs Marlene Malahoo Forte, and the appointed chair of the Constitutional Reform Committee to heed the call of the Jamaican people and incorporate impeachment provisions into the constitutional reform. It is the duty of the Minister and the entirety of the Constitutional Reform Committee to carry out the will of the Jamaican people. Failure to act on this matter constitutes a grave dereliction of duty.

The PNPYO remains committed to advocating for the interests of the Jamaican people. We believe that the inclusion of impeachment provisions in the constitutional reform is essential for promoting transparency, accountability, and good governance. We stand ready to work with all stakeholders to achieve this vital goal and ensure a brighter future for Jamaica.

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