PNP Calls for Transparency and Immediate Tabling of Integrity Commission Report in Parliament

PNP Calls for Transparency and Immediate Tabling of Integrity Commission Report in Parliament

Kingston, Jamaica, September 10, 2024: The Integrity Commission has formally notified the Parliament that it has submitted a report resulting from its long-standing investigation involving the Prime Minister of Jamaica, the Honourable Andrew Holness. This report has been sent to the Speaker of the House in both the Lower and Upper Houses, the Deputy Speaker, and the Clerk of the Houses of Parliament.

Given the profound national importance of this issue, it is deeply concerning that Parliament has yet to be reconvened to formally table the report. Instead, information has been selectively leaked to a certain media outlet before it has been made available to the public or Members of Parliament.

This reckless and opaque handling of such a critical matter is a gross violation of parliamentary protocol and the public’s trust. It marks a troubling moment in our democracy.

The Prime Minister and the Speaker of the House have an urgent duty to convene Parliament and table the Integrity Commission’s report in full. The people of Jamaica deserve the truth and must be given the opportunity to scrutinise the report in its entirety, free from the distortion and misinformation currently being circulated by media outlets with clear political agendas.

It is both alarming and unacceptable that, after years of careful investigation by the Integrity Commission, this report has been leaked to media entities aligned with the Jamaica Labour Party before it has been presented in Parliament. This breach of confidentiality erodes public confidence and compromises the integrity of our democratic processes.

We therefore call on the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the House to take immediate action by convening Parliament and ensuring that the Integrity Commission’s report is tabled in full. The Jamaican people must not be subjected to selective leaks or manipulated narratives. They deserve full transparency and accountability.

This is a critical moment in our nation’s history, and the actions of our leaders will determine whether we uphold the principles of democracy, transparency, and good governance.

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